###### sample properties file Resources ###### # Browsers supported chrome, firefox browser = chrome headless = false # Study Definition URL loginURL = studyURL = defaultRefreshRate = 1000 customRefreshRate = 20000 # application login Username and Password username = password = username2 = password2 = super-username = super-password = UserId = # Wait Timeouts in Seconds pageWait = 30 implicitWait = 0 explicitWait = 30 # Cache JDBC Connection Details jdbcDriver = com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDriver jdbcDialect = jdbcUsername = POCUser jdbcPassword = password # Services URLs ServerUS = #Services URLs # Services URLs # Okta Authentication and Authorization Properties oktaBaseUrl= oktaOauthEndPoint=/api/v1/authn authroizeEndPoint=/oauth2/v1/authorize clientId=xxxxxxx redirectUri= responseType=id_token responseMode=okta_post_message state=ssss nonce=ssss...