Maven build creation

1-Download the maven and unzip


Maven life cycle:

1-MAVEN COMPILE - java classes,code  will be compile (maven compiler plugin )-TO COMPILE 

2-MAVEN TEST-test cases, unit,regression,functional(maven surefile plugin)-TO TEST 

3-MAVEN RESOURCE--jar-->JAR's/WAR's/EAR's--Resources(maven Resource plugin)- TO CREATE RESOURCE JAR'S AND WAR'S

web application we create war files(will give to QA team and they will test it)

Maven dependecy - pom.xml


1)mvn clean install---> it will execute all complete life cycle

maven compile , maven test and maven resource

2)MVN test :----> execute only test cases

3) MVN package -DskipTests :--->  SKIP the test cases and create Only build.


4)mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Steps for selenium maven build creation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


  <!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->

    <!-- below,SKIP the TEST cases and create a Build -->

        <!-- compile the code/tests -->

         <!-- execute the code/tests -->

       <!-- create  the JAR built -->

<!-- -->

<!-- -->



testng.xml: here executre all the classes from package

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Test Maven Testin" >
<test name="Test Maven Testing">
<package name ="*" />

Project structure


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