A Interview Questions- selenium

   Automation testing Interview Questions
1. What is Automation Testing?
Automation testing is the process of testing the software using an automation tool to find the defects. In this process, executing the test scripts and generating the results are performed automatically by using automation tool. Some most popular tools do automation testing are HP QTP/UFT, SELENIUM Webdriver, etc.,
2. What are the benefits of automation testing?
·         Saves time and money .Automation testing is faster in execution.
·         Reusability code, create one time and execute multiple times with less or no maintenance.
·         Easy reporting .It generates automatic reports after the test execution.
·         Easy for compatibility testing .It enables parallel execution in the combination of different OS and browser environments.
·         Low cost maintenance. It is cheaper compared to manual testing in a long run.
·         Automated testing is more reliable
·         Automated testing is more powerful and versatile.
·         It is mostly used for regression testing. Support execution of repeated test cases.
·         Minimal manual interventions. test scripts can be run unattended.
·         Maximum coverage. It helps to increase test coverage.
3. What types of test you have attended?
Our main focus is to automat test cases to do regression testing. Smoke Testing and sanity testing .Sometimes based on the projects and the test time estimation, we do focus on END to END testing.
4. How many test cases you have attended per day?
It depends on Test case scenario complexity and length. I did automate 2-5 test scenarios per day when the complexity is limited. Sometimes, just 1 or fewer test scenarios in a day when the complexity is high.
5. What is Framework?
A Frame work defines set of rules or best practices which can follow in a Systematic way to achieve the desired results. There are different types automation frameworks  and the most common ones are:
·         Data driven Testing Framework.
·         Keyword driven Testing framework
·         Hybrid Testing Frame work.

6. Have you created any Framework?
If you are a beginner: No, I did not get a chance to create a frame work. I have used the framework which is already available.
I your are experience tester: Yes, I have created a framework. Or I have involved in the creation of framework.

7. Can you explain the framework which you have used in selenium project?
-Note need to see other link Page abject model.

8. Why do you prefer selenium Automation tool?
·         Free and Open source.
·         Have large user base and helping communities.
·         Cross browser capability.
·         Platform compatibility.
·         Multiple programming language support.
9. What is selenium?
Selenium is an Open Source (free) automated testing suite to test web applications.It supports different platforms and browsers. It has gained a lot of popularity in terms of web based              automated testing and giving a great competitions to the famous commercial tool HP QTP AKA HP UFT(Unified functional testing).
Selenium is a set of different software tools . Each tool has a different approach in supporting web based automation testing.
It has four components testing namely.
i.                     Selenium IDÉ  (Integrated Development Environment)
ii.                   Selenium RC(Remote control)
iii.                  Selenium Web Driver.
iv.                 Selenium Grid.
10. What is selenium IDE?
Selenium IDE is a Firefox plug-in.  It is the simplest framework in the selenium suite. It allows to record and playback the scripts. Even though we can create scripts using Selenium IDE . We need to use Selenium RC or Selenium Web Drive to write more advanced and robust test cases.

11. What is selenese?
Selenese  is the language which is used to write test scripts in selenium IDE.
12. Which is the only browser that supports Selenium IDE to be used?
13. What is Selenium RC?
Selenium RC AKA Selenium 1.  Selenium RC was the main Selenium project for a long time before the webDriver merge brought up selenium 2. Selenium 1 is still actively supported (in maintenance mode). It relies on JavaScript for automation. It Supports Java, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Python, perl, Ruby.
14. What is selenium WebDriver?
Selenium WebDriver AKA Selenium2 is a browser automation framework that accepts commands and sends them to a browser. It is implemented through a browser-specific driver. It controls the browser by directly communicating with it. Selenium Web Driver Supports Java,C#, PHP,Python,Perl,Ruby.
15. What is selenium Grid?
Selenium Grid is a tool used together with Selenium RC to run test on different machines against different browsers in parallel. That is, running multiple tests at the same time against different machines running different browsers and Operating systems.
In Simple word sit is used to distribute your test execution on multiple platforms and Environment concurrently.
16. When do you use Selenium Grid?
Selenium Grid can be used to execute same or different test scripts on multiple   platforms and browsers concurrently so as to achieve distributed test execution.
17. What are the advantages of Selenium Grid?
It allows running test case in parallel thereby saving test execution time.
It allows multi-Browser testing.
It allows us to execute test cases on Multi-Platform
18. What is a Hub in Selenium Grid?
A hub is a server or a central point that controls the test execution on different machines.
19. What is a node in Selenium Grid?
Node is a machine which is attached to the hub. There can be multiple nodes in Selenium Grid.
20. What are the types of Web Driver APIs AVAILABLE IN Selenium?
·         Firefox Driver.
·         Gecko Driver.
·         Internet Explorer Driver.
·         Chrome Drive.
·         HTMLUNIT  Driver.
·         Opera Driver.
·         Safari Diver.
·         Android Driver.
·         IPhone  Driver.
·         EventFiringWebDriver
21. Which Web Driver Implementation claims to be the fastest?
The Fastest implementation of WebDriver Is the HTMLUnitDriver. It is because the  HTMLUnitDriver does execute tests in the browser.
22. What are  the programming language supported by Selenium WebDriver?
·         Java
·         C#
·         Python
·         RUBY
·         Perl
·         PHP
23. What are the Operating systems supported by Selenium WebDriver?
·         Windows
·         Linux
·         Apple
24. What are the Open Source Frameworks Supported by Selenium WebDriver?
·         JUnit
·         Testng
·         Cucumber
·         JBHEAVE
25. What are the Locators Available in Selenium?
·         ID
·         ClassName
·         Name
·         TagName
·         LinkText
·         PartialLinkText
·         Xpath
·         CSS Selector.
26. What is XPath?
XPath is used to locate  the elements Using XPath, we could navigate through  elements and attributes  in an XML  documents  to locate  web elements  such as  textbox,button,Checkbox,Image etc., in a web page.
27. What is the difference between “/” and “//”?
Single slash “/” – Single slash is used to create XPath with absolute path i.e the XPath would be created to start   selection from the document node/start node.
Double slash”//”- Double slash is used to create XPath i.e the XPath would be created to start selection from anywhere within the document.
28. What is the difference between Absolute Path and Relative Path?
Absolute XPath starts from the root node and ends with desired descendent element node. It starts with top HTML Node and ends input node.  It starts with a single  word slash(/) as shown as below.
/html/  body/div[3]/div[1]/form/table/tbody/tr[1]/td/input
Relative XPath starts from any node between the HTML page to the current elements node [last node of the element). It starts with a single forward slash (//) as shown below.
//input [@id=’email’]
29. What is the difference between Assert and Verify in Selenium?
Assert: In simple  words , if the assert  condition  is true  then the program control  will execute  the next test step but if the condition  is false , the execution  will stop and  further test step willnotbe executed.
Verify: In Simple words , there  won’t be  any halt  in the test  execution  even though  the verify  condition is true or false.
For detailed post check the below link:
Assert Vs. Verify.

30. What are Soft Assert and Hard Assert in Selenium?
Soft Assert: Soft Assert collects error during @ Test Soft Assert  does not throw  an exception  when an assert  fails and would continue  with the next  step  after the assert  statement.
Hard Assert: Hard Assert throws an Assert Exception immediately when an assert statement fails and Test suite continues with next @Test
Detailed post: Soft Assert
31. What are the verification points available in selenium?
In Selenium IDE, we use Selenese Verify and Assert Commands as verification points
In Selenium Web Driver , there is no built-in  features  for verification points . It totally depends on our coding styles. Some of the verification points are.
To check for page title
To check for certain text
To check for certain elements (text box, button, drop down ,etc.,)
32. How to launch a  browser using  Selenium WebDriver?
WebDriver is an interface. We create Object of a WebDriver Interface.
To Launch Firefox driver: WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();
To Launch Chrome Driver: WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();
To Launch Internet Explorer : WebDriver driver= new InternetExplorerDriver();
33. Is the FirefoxDriver a Class or an Interface?
FirefoxDriver is a Java Class, and it implements the WebDriver Interface.
34.What is the Super Interface of WebDriver?
35. Explain the line of code Webdriver driver= new FirefoxDriver();?
WebDriver driver= new FirefoxDriver();
“WebDriver” is an interface and we are creating an object reference type driver instantiating  on object of  FirefoxDriver class.

36.Why  do we create a reference variable ‘driver’ of type WebDriver
WebDriver  driver = new FirefoxDriver();(Note important: this concept is Dynamic polymorphism)
Instead of writing
Firefox Driver = new FirefoxDriver();
What was the purpose of doing this way?
If we create  a reference variable driver of type  WebDriver  then we could  use the  same driver  variable  to work with any  browsers of our choice  such as IEDriver,SafariDriver etc.,
37. What are the different exceptions  you have faced in Selenium WebDriver?
·         WebDriverException
·         TimeOutException
·         NoAlertPresentException
·         NoSuchWindowException
·         NoSuchElementException
·         StaleElementReferenceException
·         IllegalStateException
38. How to login  into Any Site  it it is showing  Authentication  Pop-Up for  Username  and Password?
To do this we pass Username and Password using the URL
39. What are the types of waits available in selenium WebDriver?
In Selenium we could see three type of waits such as “Implicit waits, Explicit Waits and fluent wait  and Pageload wait waits and Thread .Seep().(NOTE :Please go through videos and learn what these waits are it is important).
·         Implicit
·         Explicit
·         Fluent
·         Pageload
·         Thread.sleep()—Static  wait
40. What is Implicit wait in Selenium WebDriver?
Implicit wait tell to the  WebDriver  to wait  for a certain  amount of time  before  it  throws  an exception. Once we set the time, WebDriver will wait for the element based on the time we set before it throws an exception The default setting is 0. We need to set some wait time to make  WebDriver wait  for the required time.
41. What is Web Driver or Explicit  wait in Selnium WebDriver?
WebDriver wait is applied on a certain element with defined exception condition and time. This wait is only applied to the specified element. This wait can also throw an exception when an element is not found.
42. What is fluent wait in selenium webdriver?
Fluent wait can define  the maximum amount of time to wait  for a specific  condition  and frequency  with  which  to check the condition  before  throwing  an “ElementNotVisibleException” exception.
43. How to input text  in the box  using Selenium WebDriver?
By using  SendKeys() method
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Driver.findElement(By.xpath(“xpath”)).sendKeys(“Software Testing material Website”);
44.How to input text in the text box without calling  the sendKeys()?
//To initialize JS object
JavascriptExecutor JS=(JavascriptExecutor)driver;
//To ener Username
JS.executeScript(“document.getElementById(‘User’).value=’Siftwaretesting material’ “);
// To enter password
JS.executeScript(“document.getElementById(‘Password’).value=’tester’ “);
45.How to clear  the text in the text box  using  Selenium Webdriver?
By Using Clear() method.
WebDriver driver= new FirefoxDriver();
Driver.findElement(By.xpath(“xpath_of_element1”)).sendKeys(“Software Testing materials”);
46. How to get text of a web element?
By using getText() method
47. How to get an attribute value  using  Selenium WebDriver?
By using getAttribute(value);
48. How to click  on a Hyperlink  Using Selelnium WebDriver?
We use Click()method  in selenium to click on the hyperlink
driver.findElement(By.linkText(“Software Testing Material”);).click();
49. How to submit a form  using Selenium WebDriver?
We use Submit () method on element  to submit a form
Alternatively, you can use click method  on the element  which does  form submission
50. How to Press Enter Key on text box in Selenium Webdriver?
To press ENTER key using selenium webdriver. We need to use selenium Enum Keys which its  costant ENTER.
51. How to pause a test execution for 5 Seconds at a specific point?
By using java.lang.Thread.sleep(long milliseconds) method  we could pause  the execution  for a specific time.To pause  5 seconds , we need to pass parameter as  5000(5 seconds)
52.  In Selenium server needed to run Selenium WebDriver Scripts?
When we are distributing our selenium Webdriver scripts to execute using selenium Grid, we need to use selenium script.
53. What happens if I run this command?
An exception is thrown. We need to pass HTTP protocol within driver.get()method.
54. What is the Alternate to driver.get() method  to open an URL using selenium WebDriver?
Alternate method to driver.get(“url”) method is  driver.navigate.to(“url”);
55. What is the difference between driver.get (“url”) and driver.navigate.to (“url”)?
Driver.get(): To Open  an URL  and it will wait till the whole page gets loaded
Driver.navigate.to():  To navigate  to an URL  and it will not wait  till the whole page is loaded
56. Can I  Navigate  back  and forth  in a browser  in SeleniumWebdriver?
We use navigate Interface to do navigate back and forth in a browser. It has methods to move back, forward as well as to refresh the page.
driver.navigate().forward() :- to navigate to next web page with refrence to the  browsers history.
driver.navigate().back:- Takesback t the  previous web page  with refrence to thebrowser history
driver.navigate().refresh:- To refresh the current web page thereby  reloading all the  web elements.
Driver.navigate().to(”url”):-to launch a new web  browser and navigate  to the specified URL.
57. What are the different  type of navigation commands?
Refer above question (Can I navigate back and forth in a browser).
58. How to fetch current page URL IN SELENIUM?
To fetch current page url, we use getCurrentURL();
59. How can we maximize browser window in selenium?
To maximize browser window in selenium we use Maximize () method. This method maximizes the current window if it is not already maximized.
60. How to delete cookies in selenium?
To delete cookies we use deleteAllCookies()method.
61.What are the ways  to refresh a browser  using Selenium  Web Driver?
There are multiple ways to refresh a page in  selenium
·         Using driver.navigate().refresh() command as  mentioned  in the question 45
·         Usinf driver.get(“url” on the current url or using driver.getCurrentUrl()
·         Using driver.navigate().to("url”) on the current url  or  driver.navigate().to(driver.getCurrentUrl());
·         Using SendKeys(Keys.F5) on the text box  on the web page.
62.What is the difference between driver.getWindowHandle() and driver.getWindowHandles() in selenium Webdriver?
driver.getWindowHandle():-It returns the handle of the  current page(a unique identifier)
driver.getWindoWindowHandles():- It returns a setoff handles  of all the pagesavailable.
63. What is the difference between  driver.close() and  driver.quit() methods?
Purpose of these two methods is almost same .Both allow us to close a browser  but still,  there is a difference.
Driver.close():-To close current WebDriver instance
Driver.quite():- To closeall theopened webdriver instances.
64.What is difference between  driver.findElement() and driver. findElements() commands?
The difference between driver.findElement  and driver.findElements commands is
·         findElement() return a single WebElement(found first) based on the locator  passed as parameter. Whereas findElements() returns a  list of  WebElemnts, all satisfying  the locator value passed.
·         Syntax of findElement
·         WebElement textbox= driver.findElement(By.id(:textBoxLocator”));
·         Syntax of findElements()
·         List<webElement> elements=elements.findElements(By.id(“value”));
·         Another difference between two is :-if no element is found then findElement() thows  NoSuchElementException whereas findElements() returns a list of  0 elements.
65.How to find whether an element is displayed on the  web page?
WebDriver facilitates the user with the following methods to check  the visibility  of the web elements. These Web elements can be buttons, drop boxes checkboxes, -radio buttons ,lables etc.
1 is displayed
2Boolean  elepresent =driver.findElement(By.xpath(“xpath”)).isDisplayed();
3 is selected
4 boolean eleseected=diver.findElement((By.xpath(“xpath”)).isSelected(0;
5 isenabled
6 boolean eleEnabled=driver.findElement(By.xpath”)).isEnabled();
·         It is a method  used to verify  the presence  of a web element  within the web page.The method return true value if the specified web element is present on the web page  and a ‘false “ value if the web element  is not present on the web page.
·         isDisplayes():-it is capable to check  for the presence of all kinds of web elements available.
·         isEnabled():-it is the method used to  verify the web element is enabled  or disabled  with in the web page.
·         IsEnabled is primarlly used  with buttons.
·         IsSeleleted();-It is the method to verify if the web element is selected or not
·         IsSelectedmethod is is predominantly used with radio button , drop down and check boxes.
66.How to select a value in a dropdown?
By using select class
WebElement mySelelctElement=driver.findElement(By.name(“dropdown”));
Select  dropdown =new Select(mySelectElement);
67. How to capture a screenshort in selenium Web driver?
By using TakeScreenshort Interface.
Click on below links to see posts related to the normal way of capturing a screen short and capturing a screen short using  aShort utility
Capture screenshort using selenium WebDriver--link
FullPage Screenshort using  aShortutility--link
Failed Teste cases screenshorts.—link
68.How to Mouse Over on a web element using WebDriver
By Using Action class
webElement ele=driver.findElement(By.xpath(“xpath”));
//Create object ‘actoin’ of an Action Class           
Actions action=newActions(driver);
//Mouse over  on an element
Action.moveToElement                (ele).perform();
69.How can we handle web based pop up?
 To handle alerts popup we need to do switch  to the alter window  and call  Selenium  WebDriver Alert API methods
70.How can we handle Window bases pop-ups?
Selenium does not support Window based applications. It isan automation testing tool which supports only web based application testing. We could handle window based pop-ups in selenium using  some third party  tool such as  AutoIT, Robot classetc.,
71. How to handle hidden elements in Selenium WebDriver?
It is one of the most important selenium interview questions.
We can handle hidden elements by using javascript Executor.
(JavascriptExecutor(driver)).executescript(“document .getElementsByClassName(ElementLocator).Click();”);
72. How can you find Broken Links  in a page  using Selenium WebDriver?
See my video its concept of 30 minutes.
73. How to find more than one web element in the list?
To store the list
List <WebElement> eleList=driver.findElements(By.xpath(“xpath”));
//To fetch the size of the list
Int  ListSize=eleLise.size();
//for loop
For(int i=0;i<listsize;i++)
//Clicking on each link
//navigate back to the preivious pae  the stores the  links
74. How to read a JavaScript  variable in Selenium WebDriver?
By using JavaScript Executor.
//To initialize js object
JavascriptExecutor JS=(JavascriptExecutor)webdriver;
//To get the site tittle
String title=(String)JS.executescript(“returndocument.title”);
System.out.println(‘title of the webpage:”+title);
75. How to read  test data from  excels?
Test data can be efficiently be read from excel  using JXL OR POI API. POI API has many advantages than  JXL.
76. It is possible to automate the captcha  using selenium?
No, it is not possible to automate captcha and bar code reader.
77.List some scenarios which  we cannot automate using selenium WebDriver?
1. Bitmap comparison it is not possible using Selenium WebDriver.
2. Automating Captcha it not possible using selenium webdriver.
3. We cannot read barcode  using selenium webdriver.
4. Windows OS based Popups.
5. Third party calendars/elements
6. Image
7. World/Pdf
78.What is Object Repository in selenium WebDriver?
Object Repository is used to store element locator values in a  centralized  location  instead of hard  coding  them within the scripts.  We do create a property file (.Properties) to store all the elements locators and these property files act as  an object  repository in selenium Web Driver.
79. How can you use the Recovery Scenario in Selenium WebDriver?
By using”Try Catch Block” within the selenium WebDriver  Java tests.
}catch(Exception e){
80. How to upload afile in selenium webdriver?
There are two cases which are majorly  used to  upload a file in selenium webdriver.
Such as usingSendKeysmethod  and using AutoIT script.
Example: SendKeys(c:\\test\\bindu.jpg); condition is that browser Button  type should  be file
81. Hot to download a file in selenium webdriber?
By using AutoIt  script,we coul download  a filein selenium webdriver.
82. How to run  Selenium WebDriver Test  from the command line?
Run Java Program using  Command  Prompt
Example class A{
cd c
c:javac A.java—here code complies
c:java A.java-here code executes by interpretor.
Run TestNG using Command Prompt
Java.org.testng.TestNG C:\Users\Desktop\Workspace\testing\testig.xml
83.How  to switch  between frames  in selenium?
By using the following code we could switch  between frames.
Driver.switchTo.frame(here we can pass id or name or index);
84. How to connect a Database in selenium?
As we all know Selenium WebDriver is a tool to automate User Interface. We could only interact with browser using selenium web driver
We use JDBC driver to connect the database in selenium(While using  Java Programming language)
85.How to Resize browser window using selenium web driver?
 To resize the browser window to particular dimensions , we use ‘Dimension’ class to resize the browser window
//Create object of  Dimension class
Dimension d =new Dimension(480,620);
//Resize the current window  to the given dimensions
86. How to Scroll  Web Page  Down or Up Using Selenium WebDriver?
JavaScript scrollBy() method scrolls  the document  by the specified  number or pixels.
87.How to perform Right click action (Context click) in selenium webdriver?
We use Action class in selenium webdriver to do Right-Click (Context click) actions.
88.How  to perform double click  action in selenium webdriver?
We use Action class to do Double click action in selenium
89.How to perform Drag and drop actions in Selenium webdriver?
We use action class to Drag and Drop Action
Action action=new Action(driver);
90. How to Highlight Element using Selenium WebDriver?
By using JavascriptExecutor interface,we could highlight  the specified element  
***Important concept javascriptExecutor please go through that concept in my video.
Ø  Challenges faced using Selenium Automation testing, and how to solve them
Selenium at times fails to function correctly in a dynamic event or change take place duting the test cycle. A few common problems faced are listed below, along with how to mitigate them with selenium automation
1. Image or Text overlapping issues
2. No facility to deal with Captcha, bar code.
3. Does not support any non web based like(Win32,Java Applet, Java Swing,.Net client server etc) applications.
4. When you compare selenium with QTP ,SILK TEST, Test Partner and RFT, there are many challenges in terms of maintainability of test cases.
5. Since selenium is a freeware tool, there is no direct support if one is n trouble with the support of the application.
6. Bitmap comparisons is not supported by selenium.
7. Any reporting related capabilities, you need to depend on third partytools.
8. You need to learn any one of native language like(.Net,Java,Perl,Python,PHP,RUBY) to work effectively.
9. Difficult to identify dynamic objects.
10. Working with frames.
11 . Selenium test playback is slow.
12. JavaScript sandbox,Flash,Applets,Silverlights and HTML’S Canvas all present problems n selenium.
13. Dealing with Popup windows: Selenium can sometimes fail to record common popups in web apps. To handle any kind of  alert popup , you can apply a get Alert Function. Before actually running the script , you must import a package  that can  generate a WebDriver script  for handling  alerts. The efficient  interface  brings with it the following  commands: void dismiss(), void accept(),getText() void sendKeys(string stringTosend).The first two basically click on the  “Cancel” and “OK” BUTTONS respectively on a popup windows .
14. Timeout resulting from synchronization problem: One should ideally use selenium.IsElementPresent(locator) to verify that the object  is in a loop  with Thread.sleep()
15.Testing  Flash app: To automate  flash apps with selenium, one can use  Flex Monkium.The application  source code  must be compiled  with the  swc  files  generated by  Flex Monkium. Then the app and the selenium IDE are connected, and the tests can be recorded             
16. Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer: Browser zoom level should be  set to  100% by default  for the IE browser to overcome this error.
17. Protected Mode: must be set  to the same value error occurs  when trying  to run  selenium  WebDriver on a fresh  Windowsmachine.This issue can be fixed by using  capabilities  as below  when launching IE.
18. Cross browser tesing issues.
19.Ajax Compenents.


1. What is TestNG?
TestNG is a testing framework designed to simply a broad of testing needs, from unit  testing  to integrate  testing.
2. What are the advantages of TestNG?
·         TestNG provides parallel execution test method.
·         It allows to define dependency of one test method over  other method.
·         It allows to assign priority  to Test methods.
·         It allows grouping of test  methods  in to test groups
·         It has support of parameterzing  test cases using @parameter annotation
·         It allows data driven  testing using @Data provider annotation
·         It has different assertions  that helps  in checking  the expected  and actual results
·         Detailed HTML reports.
·         Testing Listeners
3. What are the Annotations available in TestNG?
4. Can you arrange the below  testing.xml tags  parent to child?
The correct order of the TestNG tags  are as follows:
5. How to create and run testing.xml?
In TestingNG   framework, we need to create testing.xml file to create and handle multiple test classes. We do configure our test run, set test dependency, include or exclude any test, method, class or package and set priority etc  in the XML file.
6. What is the important  of testing .xml file?
In a selenium TestNG project , we use testing.xml file to configure the complete  test suite in a single file.  Some the features are as follow:
·         Testing.xml file allows to include or exclude  the execution  of test methods and test groups
·         It allows to pass  parameters  to the test cases
·         Allows to add group dependencies
·         Allows to add priorities  to the test cases
·         Allows to configure parallel execution of test cases
·         Allows to parameterized test cases.
7. How to pass parameter  through  testing.xml  file  to a test case?
We could define the parameters  in the testing.xml file and  then  reference those parameters in the source file.
Public void parametizedtest(String browser){
s.o.p(”open firefox browser)
s.o.p(“open chrome browser)
<parameter name=”browser” value=”firefox”/>
Here , name attribute  represents  the parameter name  and value  represents  the value  of that parameter.
8.What is TestNG  assert  and list out common  TestNG Assertions?
TestNG Asserts help us to verify the condition  of the test  in the middle  of the test run. Based  on the TestNG Assertions, we will consider a successful test only if it is  completed  the test  run  without  throwing  any exceptions.
Some of the common assertions supported by TestNG  are.
·         assertEqual(String actual, String Expected)
·         assertEqual(Stringactual,String expected, String Message)
·         assertEqual(Boolean actual, Boolean expected)
·         AssertTrue(condition)
·         assertTrue(condition, message)
·         assertFalse(condtion)
·         assertFalse(condition, message)
9. What is soft assert in TestNG?
Soft Assert collect error during @Test. Soft Assert does not throw an exception when an assert fails and would continue with the next step after the assert  statement . If there is  any exception  and you  want to throw  it then you need to AssertAll() method as a last statement  in the @Test and test suite  again continue  with the next @Test as it is.
10. What is hard assert in TestNG?
Hard Assert throws an AssertException immediately when an assert statement fails and test  uite  continues  with the next@Test.
11. What is exception test in TestNG?
TestNG given an option for tracing the Exception  handing of the code.  You can verify whether a  code throws  the expected  exception  or not. The expected exception to validate while running the test case  is mentioned using  the expectedFunction  attribute  value along with @ Test annotation.
12. How to set  test case priority in TestNG?
We use priority attribute to the Test@ annotations. In cas  priority  is not  set then  the test  scripts execute  in alphabetical  order.
//TestNG interview question.
Package TestNG;
Import org.testng.annotations.*;
Public class priorityTestCase{
Public void testcase1(){
s.o.p(“Test case1”);
Public void testcase2(){
s.o.p(“Test case2”);
Output :
Test case2
13. What is parameterized testing in TestNG?
Parameterized tests allows developers to run the same test over and  over again  using different values.
·         Using testing.xml
·         Using data providers
14. How can we create data driven framework using TestNG?
By using @DataProvider annotation, we  can create  a data Driven Framework.
Public Object[] [] getData(){
Object[][]data=new object[rwocount][colcount];
Object[][]data=new Object[2][2];
Return data;
15. How to run a group of test cases using TestNG?(not important)
TestNG allows you to perform sophisticated groupings   of test methods. Not only can you  declare  that methods  belongs to groups, but  you can also  specify groups that contain  other  groups. Then TestNG       can be invoked and asked  to include a certain  setoff groups  while executing  another set.  This gives  you maximum flexibility  in how you partition  your tests and does not require  you to  recompile anything  if you want to run  two different  sets  of tests  back to back
16.How to create  Group of groups in TestNG?
Groups can also include in other groups. These groups are called MetaGroups. For example, You might want to define a group al that includes  smoketest and  functionaltest. Let’s modify out testing    .xml file as follows:
<define name=”all”>
<include name=”smoke test”/>
<include name=”functional test”/>
<include name =”all”/>
17.How to run  test cases in parallel using TestNG?
We can use ‘parallel’ attribute  in testing.xml to accomplish parallel test execution in TestNG.
The parallel attribute of suite tag  can accept  four values:
Tests----All the test cases inside <test> tag of testing.xml  will run parallel.
Classes—Allthe test cases inside a java class will run parallel
Methods---All the methods with @Test annotation         will execute parallel
Instance---Test cases in same instance will execute parallel but two methods  of two different instances will run  in different  thread.
<suite name=”sofwaretestingmaterial”parallel=’methods“>
18. How to exclude a particular test method from a test case execution?
                By adding Exclude tag in the testing.xml
<class name=”TestCaseName”>
<exclude name=’TestMethodNameToExclude”/>
19.How to exclude a particular  test group  from a test case execution?
By adding the exclude tag in the testing.xml
<exclude name=”TestGroupNameToExclude”/>
20.How to disable a test case  in TestNG?
                To disable a test case we use a parameter enabled=false to the @Test annotation
21.How to skip a @Testmethod from execution in Test NG?
By using throw new SkipException()
Once SkipException() thrown, remaining part  of that test  method  will not be  executed  and control will goes  directly  to next  test method  execution.
22.How to ignore test case in TestNG?
To ignore the test case  we use the parameter enabled =false  to the @Test annotations
23.How TestNG allows to state dependencies?
TestNG allows two ways to declare the dependencies
Using attributes dependsOnMethods in @Test annotation. And using  attributes  dependsOnGroups in @Test annotations
24.What are the different ways  to produce  reports for TestNG Actions?
TestNG offers two ways to produce reports
Listeners implements  the interface  org.testing.ITestListener and are notified  in real time  of when  a test  stats, passes, fails        etc.,
Reporters implement the interface org.testig.IReporter and are notified when all the suites have been run by TestNG. The IReporter instance receives a list of objects that describes the entire test run.
25.What is the use of @Listenerannotation in TestNG?
TestNG LISTENERS are used to configure reports and logging.One of the most widely  used listeners in TestNG is ITestListenerinteface. It has methods like onTestStart, onTestSuccess, onTestFailure,onTestSkipped etc., We should implement  this interface creating  a listener  class of our own . Next we should  add the  listeners  annotations(@Listener) in the class  which we created.
26.How  to write  regular expressios in testing.xml file to search @TestMethods containing “Smoke”keyword.
Regular expressions to find @Test Methods  containing  Keyword “smoke” is as mentioned  below.
<include name=”.”*smoke.*”/>
27.What is the time unit we specify  in test suites  and test cases?
We specify the time unit in test suites and test cases  is in milliseconds.
28.List out various ways in which TestNG can be  invoked?
·         Using Eclipse IDE
·         Using ant built tool
·         From the command line
·         Using Intelli’s IDEA
29.How to run  TestNG using command prompt?
Java c://testing.jar test.java
30. What is the use of @Test(invocationCount=x)
The invocationcount attribute  tells how many times  TestNG  shoul run a test method  @Test(invocationcount=10)
Public void testcase1(){
In this method testcase1 will ne invoked 10 times
31. what is the use of @Test(threadpoolsize=x)?
The ThreadPoolSize attribute tells to form  a thread pool to run  thetest  method through  multiplpe  threads.
Note:This attribute  is ignored  if invocationcount is  not specified
@Test(ThreadPoolSize=3,<code class     =’plain’>invocationcount=</code><code class=”value”>10</code>public void testcase1(){
In this example  the method testcase1 wii be invoked  from thee different methods
32.What does the test    timeout mean in TestNG?
                The maximum numberof millisecondsa test case should take.
Oublic void testcase1(){
In this example,  the method  testcase will be invked  ten times  from  three different  threads. Additionoally , a time out  of ten seconds  guarantees that none  of the threads  will blocj  on this thread forever.
33.What are @Factory and @DataProvider annotations?
@Factory:A factory  will execute all the test ethods  present inside a test  class using a separate instance of the respective  class  with different setof data.
@DataProvider: Atest method  that uses DataProvider will be executed the specific  methodsmultiple number of times  based  on the data provide by the  DataProvide. The Test methods  will be excuting  using  the same instance  of the test  class  to which  the test  methods              belongs.
Pros and Cons of selenium WebDriver.
1.       Open Source.
2.       Supports multiple languages Java c# .net python perl ruby php javascript
3.       Supports all platforms/os Windows,MAC OS,Linux,Unix
4.       Cross browser testing Chrome,Firefox,Safari,IE Opera
5.       Head less browsers PhatomJS HTMLunitDriver Chrome HeadLess
6.       Can be integrated with any  open source  unit testing framework TestNG Junit
7.       BDD Frameworks Cucumber,JBehave,Serenity
8.       Light Weight
9.       Availablein the form of APIs
10.   Easily integrated with CI—CD process, Jenkins
11.   Can be executed on local machines as well as  Cloud/VM/Servers/BrowserStack SauceLabs AWS Docker
12.   Customize WebDriver codebase—soure code will be shared
13.   Wrappers:Appium,Protractor,Watir,Robot Framework.
1 .As it is Open Source , So no direct Support
2.You need to learn programming—No Srciptless or codeless automation
3. No Desktop app Automation support
4.no report for test results
5. for any extra work:test case designing,report,build,CI-CD


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