

Block of code which only runs  when  it is called.they are reusalble.

create a Method;

declare with in the class

returnType functionName(){

return  returnDataType ;



accessModifier static returnType fucntionName(parameter){


public double getTenPercentOffDiscountPrice(int price){

return price*0.9;


accessModifier- public, private

static- methos belongs to class

Call method in java- functionName(parameter);

informations can be passed to methods via parameters,paramente acts as vaibales inside methods,method will have unlimited amount of parameters , recommends only 3 

Parameters verus Argumenets:

Parameter passed to method is called argument. price-parameter

public double getTenPercentOffDiscountPrice(int price){

return price*0.9;


getTenPercentOffDiscountPrice(20000);20000 is argument.

Method Overloading :multiply methods will have samename with diff parameters.

returnType sameFunctionName(dataType1 parameterName1){


returnType sameFunctionName(dataType2 parameterName2){



public double getTenPercentOffDiscountPrice(int price){

return price*0.9;


public double getTenPercentOffDiscountPrice(double price){

return price*0.9;





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