selenium commands
*Handling Frames: Difference between Frame and Iframe: Frame is a HTML tag that is used to divide the web page into various frames/windows. Used as <frame> tag, it specifies each frame within a frameset tag. Iframe as <iframe> is also a tag used in HTML but it specifies an inline frame which means it is used to embed some other document within the current HTML document. * Syntax for handing frame: we can identified frame in three approaches driver.switchTo().frame(name/id) driver.switchTo().frame(WebElement) driver.switchTo().frame(index) 1) driver.switchTo().frame("packageListFrame"); we use switchto() in order to switch between the frames and we pass Specific frame name 2)WebElement frame2=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//frame[@src='frame_2.html']")); driver.switchTo().frame(frame2); here we identified the frame as webelement and stored in variable and passes that variable in frame() 3) driver.switch.frame(0); here we used index of the f...