java script Arrays and Objects - FORIN , FOR OF

let aa= [12,14,15,16];
let bb = [22,33,44,55,66];

for(aaa in aa){
// let cc= aa.concat(bb);
// console.log(cc);

// cc.splice(6,1);
// console.log(cc);

let obj = [{
id :123,
id :100723,


for(value in obj){
if(obj[value].id=== 100723){

console.log('Found the value ',obj[value].id);
console.log('the value is outside',obj[value].id);

indureddy@Bindus-MBP js-basics % node concat.js the value is outside 123 Found the value 100723 bindureddy@Bindus-MBP js-basics % node concat.js 0 1 2 3 the value is outside 123 Found the value 100723 bindureddy@Bindus-MBP js-basics %


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